Please get rid of the energy. I've been playing for a long time and now you're limiting us by coins and also energy. It's like you don't want us to play. Also, what are the stars for???

The energy system was designed to provide access to all the game’s content without having any of it locked behind a purchase. You can now recharge energy by using your tokens, increase your max energy by inviting friends, and play the Daily Grid without consuming any energy at all. I will continue to find ways to provide the best and least restrictive experience for all players!
Anonymous commented
If I start a puzzle then pause it, I have to spend the energy again to finish it. This isn’t right and should be fixed
Justin Cowan commented
At least give us an option of unlimited energy for like $15
zeezee111 commented
I have the exact thoughts. Why did the change to using energy for what purpose? More bucks yeah. However, are people more willing to wait than purchase immediately? Also good question up top, what are the stars for? Do we level up? Do we get to use it for something? What? I've been playing for years. I really enjoy this game and want to continue enjoying this. Please fix structure and some bugs such as having to pay coins/ in this case energy to play a game I didn't get full stars on. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
I agree I'm put off by the limited energy that s suddenly appeared. Puts me off this app..I don't pay for any apps no matter what..Falcross this could be your downfall!
sama1984 commented
I will give them one month to fix this or I'm uninstalling this app and forgetting about it entirely.
joyfulk commented
I bought all the puzzle packs a long time ago, but now you're charging me "energy" to play them. You're even charging me "energy" to play my own puzzles! This is a ridiculous set up and takes a lot of the fun out of the game. I really enjoyed earning tokens by successfully playing puzzles. Having to buy "energy" is not fun.
potcakemom commented
Even costs to test your own puzzles before you publish
pinocoooo commented
Also, you need to spend energy to play and again to keep playing if you paused the game... Please, get this thing removed....
marlinds commented
What a cheap way to make an extra buck and alienate their users!
pinocoooo commented
That energy thing is just ridiculous... You're taking all the fun out of the game...