Colors of puzzle changing
I have created many puzzles, and lately the colors have changed on me. Example: "red zig zag" turned into many different colors without me editing anything.
This has been fixed in the 5.0 update.
emeritahears commented
I think the color problem is fixed. If so, thank you!
joyfulk commented
Same problem
Nick commented
Yep, I'm having this problem too. :/
emeritahears commented
I've had the same problem. I think it happened with the newest version change. Seems to happen with creations done in #2palette, but could be others also.
Anonymous commented
I am also experiencing this. The color palette seems to be broken. It looks like it saves ok but when I log in the next day it has reverted back to the default palette which messes up the colors in my picture (Ms PacMan is now blue!)